Real-time monitoring of solar flares, CMEs, geomagnetic storms, and space weather forecasts to protect your technology and life
Solar Alert is the most advanced space weather monitoring application available, providing real-time tracking and early warnings for solar flares, CMEs, geomagnetic storms, and other potentially dangerous space weather events. Our innovative Solar Plasma Monitor, powered by Artificial Intelligence, analyzes data from NASA and NOAA to offer the fastest and most reliable early warning system on the market, including Kp-index readings and sunspot activity analysis.
Solar storms and coronal mass ejections can cause catastrophic damage to our technological infrastructure, leading to widespread power outages, communication disruptions, and transportation system failures. With Solar Alert's comprehensive Space Weather Alerts system, you can receive notifications up to 3 days in advance, giving you crucial time to:
Solar Alert offers an unparalleled suite of tools for monitoring and understanding space weather phenomena, including detailed STEREO and SDO imagery:
NASA scientists have warned that extreme solar events will undoubtedly occur in the coming years as we approach solar maximum. Solar Alert gives you the tools and information you need to protect yourself, your family, and your technology from these potentially catastrophic events.
Whether you're concerned about protective measures during solar storms or interested in tracking auroral activity for photography or viewing the northern lights, Solar Alert provides the most comprehensive and user-friendly solution available, with detailed updates on The Sun's behavior and potential impact on Earth.